Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Well, the transition from Kabul to Dubai could hardly be more dramatic. I think I've gone from about the dirtiest city in the world to the cleanest! I thought I would be really stoked to go out snooping around here and jump in the sea and look at all the crazy hotels, but mostly I've stuck around the hotel.

I'm about to try and check out the beach and wanted to leave a quick note. Looks like we got out of Kabul before some fireworks!


Unknown said...

Go to the beach!!
I can't wait to hear all about Dubai.

There have been, as usual, many conflicting reports on this attack. Will we ever know the truth? doubtful. I no longer trust the media, unless they are talking about Ana Nicole they are right on top of THAT story.

Anonymous said...

Whats up man, glad you made it out of afghanistan ok. we will hang out when you are back in NY, good luck with the fed interview.