Sunday, March 25, 2007

Back into the fray!

Well, I'll be heading back to Kabul with Mary for the second round of the accounting course. We'll have new students covering the same infomation and we're hoping to implement some ideas we had for improvement. The new students will also be drawn from the ranks of Economics faculty graduates, but these will be the "second best" students since we had the top ones during the first course.

Next Monday, April 2 I take the Foreign Service Oral Exam in DC, then on April 3 I will catch a flight out of DC for Kuwait, on to Dubai, then Kabul. The FSOE I've taken once before and just barely missed passing. You have to score 5.25 on a 7-point scale in order to be put on the list of available candidates. I scored 5. So, hopefully this time around I'll be a bit better prepared--in particular, I need to think through interview questions, especially the dreaded "behavioral" interview question, which I absolutely hate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish you lots of luck with everything and a very safe trip!