Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Oughtta take a rope and hengue me...

I think the second half of the Dengue fever has got me today--yesterday I broke out with lots of icky cold sores and I'm quite tired tonight. N has been better--perhaps I'm benefitting from illness pity, but also I think he got a talking-to. It's funny, the guy who has replaced W kind of orders N around. Today H (Vin Deisel) asked me what happened in Virginia. I explained some guy went around shooting people and looks to have killed 33. "We have crazy laws about guns in the US," I said. "Yes, in Afghanistan we also have...Well, my condolences to you..." I thought that was nice--H comes up with a deep comment now and again. And I'm thinking, uh, sorry for all the Afghans that have been killed by guns and mines sent to you from the USA (via the CIA through the 80's and 90's). Too tired--more soon, I hope!

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